Sunday, December 22, 2013

Snow, Snow, Snow! . . . And I Am Bored!

Snow, snow and more snow! and I am bored. How many pumpkins can one goose roll?! Really!!! I did have a visit from Hazel, Miss Hazel should have gone to bed for the winter as all good chipmunks. She has gotten quite fat eating my seed cakes. The Woman With The Long Blue Apron confronted her about her obesity and she only put her paws on her fat little hips and said, "I like being fat. Fat is good especially when you have to sleep all winter without heat. Imagine awakening on a winter night hungry and cold! FAT IS GOOD!!!!! Hazel had to put in a new home under the corner of the mill where The Man With The Long Blue Apron sleeps. Her primery home was destroyed by a scruffy bratty little dog. Anyway, it works ~ she sits with us sometimes in the evening, watches the stars, and shares our corn. In fact two nights ago she decided to sleep with us . . . she is a soft little corn silk ball!

I NEED a job! It's a little limiting here. We have been having snow squalls. What is a snow squall anyway? Drusilla, Ms. Duck came by yesterday and pushed herself through the goat wire fence to visit (is this prison?!). She came up with a suggestion. Since I am not this winter in the creek perhaps I could direct duck flights over the creek during snow squalls and rain, and to the "forever" corn pile. She said several ducks have flown by mistake into tree branches. Sounds like the perfect job!

PERFECT!!! I will monitor the skies for incoming flights ~ and honk out directions. I shall flap my wings like semaphore. Sometimes during a full moon we have heavy incoming duck traffic. I shall flap my wings:
   "signal lamps for the creek runway!"
   "Alter your course to the starboard!"
   "Duck down! "
   "Duck overboard!"
   "Free passage!"
   "You are in danger! You are dragging your tail!"

I think I need a special hat and badge ~ BOB THE AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLER!

Until next time . . .

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